Vision of New Life Family Church


     The name New Life Family Church depicts the calling of God upon this ministry. God has called this ministry to reach out to hurting people in  order that they might have a new life in Christ Jesus.


     This outreach is not designed for one segment or age group of people, but to all levels and ages. To the children, the teenagers, the adults and senior adults. This is an interdenominational church desiring people from all backgrounds, ethnic groups and affiliations.


     Our vision is to Minister God"s Word, and be the extended hands of Jesus by exercising our works and efforts to the entire region around us. We also will train and disciple people to be leaders and teachers, as this will be the foundation to accomplish this goal.

By doing this, the New Life Family Church is obedient to the call of God upon it and accomplishes the goal of building the Kingdom of God in every region possible.